cathy liu
[sf bay area] business operations manager

My name is Cathy and I’m savvy in a wide variety of disciplines. Throughout my career, my managers and peers refer to me as a “swiss-army knife” generalist.

My most recent professional role was co-founding Buji, a consumer marketplace startup. We worked with more than 250 local merchants selling handmade, vintage, or craft, and built a suite of features that enabled them to connect with their audience and sell their products through livestream video.

Before Buji, my path was shaped by my diverse interests. My curiosity about supply-chain operations began during my time at UC San Diego, where I studied Management Science (B.S.). This path led me to business operations at Intel where I spent four years overseeing the growth of 18 client and data center product lines including Intel's innovative product, Optane™ memory. Aside from hardware tech, I also immersed myself in tech cultures abroad. I spent some time in Shanghai in the product team at Didi where I dove deep into China's car rental scene. In partnership with Avis, we worked with engineering to launch a car rental product to 300M active users in 175 countries internationally.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I find great fulfillment in leveraging my skills to help others. I had the unique opportunity to collaborate with Sam Altman and a few friends and ship, an open source pandemic relief project. Most recently, a few friends and I launched, an open source tool for developers to add computer vision to their apps in minutes.

While I am not working, I enjoy traveling around the world, working on my wellness in pilates classes, learning about film photography, discovering lesser known musicians, and indulging in provocative Netflix documentaries.

I am passionate about supply-chain (industry agnostic) and consumer marketplaces. I am open to chatting about new ideas, please reach out!

zeroshot // ai computer vision
buji // livestream shopping marketplace
helpwithcovid // volunteer crowdsourcing
intel // data center and client ssd's
didi // global transportation services
cnet // tech and consumer electronics
design, coding
ops, product, design

cathyliu © 2024